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This is everything you were never taught about money.

Our Mission

At Mana Money School, our mission is simple: to teach financial wellness in a format that sticks. We want to empower students from every community to grow their knowledge and confidence around money.

Personal finance isn’t rocket science, so why is saving and growing wealth so tricky? #AdultingIsHard !

It turns out that finance is tricky for the same reasons that getting into a healthy workout or eating routine is tricky. Some people who are already physically fit might find this easy, but others who are more out of shape might find this very hard.

Everyone knows that regular exercise is good, but it takes the right strategy, plan, and mindset to achieve it.

The same goes for money!

Our students already know that having more money = good, so how do we teach them to succeed at this? Just like exercising, it’s all about getting started the right way. Mana Money School begins with lessons on money psychology: how to get into the right mindset for a healthy financial life. Whether you’re starting off financially secure, in debt, or overwhelmed, our course will help you build positive money routines and behaviors to grow wealth and live freely.


The value of financial education…

"I never realized how much the way I think about money impacts how I spend and save it. This course teaches money psychology first, which is totally unique. I learned how to value my own vision and dreams, to set goals and achieve them…

Personal finance makes perfect sense with the right mindset."

— Rachel Elliott, MMS Student


We also strongly value community engagement and we are constantly seeking opportunities for collaboration. If you are interested in learning more or getting involved with Mana Money School, please contact us or explore existing options for partnership.